The Miracle Of Caregiving

Aug 6, 2015 | Caregiver Inspiration, caregivers journey | 2 comments

Caregiver Warrior

I was concerned then amazed recently by a turn of events in my backyard. I went out there to enjoy the weather and as soon as I went to sit down a huge red cardinal began buzzing around me so closely I could see his beautiful colors in detail. Then his mate also began flying around me aggressively and I realized that there must be a baby in distress somewhere. Sure enough, I saw the little guy struggling and hopping around not quite able to take flight. The mother was bringing him food and the father was trying to protect both of them. They were all calling to each other over and over. The amazing thing about all of this was the parents continued to take care of and protect the baby for 4 days. Four days!! I was told not to touch the baby, that the parents know instinctively what to do since the baby probably left the nest too early and they would continue to care for him as long as it took until he was strong enough to fly. On the fifth day I went out in the backyard and there was no sign of the baby or the parents! As predicted, the baby regained his strength and ventured out into the world, this time ready and able to soar above it. I still occasionally here a familiar tweet or two in the backyard as if to tell me all is well and they are talking to each other as they go about their normal lives. To experience such caregiving in even the smallest of creatures was an extraordinary thing. I marvel at the wonder of a universe that demonstrates such instinctive care and concern for fellow creatures and offspring. It reminded me of the cycle and miracle of life. It reinforces my deep belief in the rightness of caring for those we love and the miracle of being there for one another. I feel honored to be able to demonstrate that rite of passage by caring for my parents when I was needed and appreciate all of the caregiver warriors out there who heed the call as I did. I believe we make the world go round and help it stay on its magnificent course by showing up and taking care of someone. Like those beautiful birds we know that we will stand by those who need us. What a joy it was to learn such a valuable lesson in my own back yard!


  1. matt griffo

    wife has MS

    • Susanne

      I’m sure you are a wonderful Caregiver Warrior, Matt. You are a miracle. My thoughts are with you.


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