3 Top Ways To Get Exercise Into Your Life!

Jul 16, 2018 | caregivers journey, Emotional Support, Practical Advice | 0 comments

Here’s the reality. Exercise saves your life. Period. In more ways than one. Caregivers need exercise like breathing, it’s something we need to do all the time to survive. There are no two ways about it and no excuse not to do it. Seriously.

I get it that it’s hard, I get it you think you don’t have time, I get it that it’s a pain in our spreading butts, I get it that it’s rare to like to do it. But the truth is that it’s easier than you think, makes a world of difference, you eventually look forward to it, and since you can do it anytime, anywhere, there is always, always a way to fit it in.

I am at a point now that if I don’t exercise, I am lost and feel like crap. Really. So here are a few pieces of advice to help you break out of your resistance to exercise and get yourself on the way making yourself feel, look, and act healthier!

1. Do it every day!
When I would tell myself, “oh I’ll do it Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or on the weekend”, I would never do it! I would say, “aw, I do it tomorrow”. Tomorrow would pass and I would put it off again. Baloney! I now do it every single day no matter what! If I eat breakfast, I exercise. Simple. My exercise of choice is power walking for at least 2 miles. I either do it around my local park, or if the weather is bad on the treadmill at the gym, or during my day I’ll power walk a few blocks. If you can’t leave your loved ones’ side, “youtube” a class of something, be it yoga, stretching, or anything that floats your boat, and do it in their presence. As long as it doesn’t agitate them who cares if they watch or giggle? They might even be able to join in on the gentle, easy things with arm movement or rock to the music. My Dad used to walk up and down the hallways of his apartment building with me when he was able.

2. Find the time
How do I find the time? I forfeit a TV show, Facebook time, a shower sometimes (sorry), get up earlier, and plan my day around it. I have now worked it into my daily schedule to do it in the early morning. Takes me 17 minutes (don’t laugh you more aggressive walkers!) to do a mile. 17 minutes out of my life. I wasted so much more time than that on the news (watching the news is now a no-no because it makes me tense and worried) or scrolling through Facebook. We all know where there is a will there is a way, especially when we need to get something difficult done for our loved one’s health and well being. This is for their health and well being as well as ours! We are happier, calmer campers so find the will for this!

3. Start slow, have mini-goals
Most of us want immediate results when we exercise and if we don’t see something or feel something we get discouraged. We can usually avoid this by throwing expectations out the window. When I had 8 pounds to lose and I promised myself I would stay off the scale until I got into a groove with my daily exercise. I told myself it wasn’t about losing the weight, it was about getting my head clear and building my life and body up with consistency. It was logical I would lose weight while I get in shape so it didn’t matter when or how. If I stayed consistent the results would absolutely come but my goal was just to show up consistently and reap the weight loss benefits when they happened. The immediate goal of feeling good about myself and my better frame of mind every day was enough reward. PS, I lost weight!

I hope this inspires you to really get off your butt and do yourself and everyone around you a big favor by making exercise a major weapon for your life and caregiving journey. If you stick with it your life will change, I promise you.

Your comments and thoughts mean the world to me and I would love to get your feedback. Let me know any of the creative ways you fit exercise into your life. We Caregiver Warriors are an innovative and inventive bunch so I’m sure many of you have come up with interesting ways to get and keep fit! Please share them with me!
As always, much love.  


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