Caregiver Warrior Holiday Check List

Dec 4, 2020 | Caregiver Inspiration | 4 comments

Caregiver Warriors! I want you to check this list then check it twice. It’s the ultimate list for each and everyone one of us during the Holiday season.

As we all know, the Holiday season is known to be a time of light, joy and love, yet sadly, it can also be a time of stress, unhealthy expectation, loneliness and exhaustion. This is especially true for the weary caregiver who is already stretched thin. Caregivers who may feel pressure to make these days extra special and celebratory, become overwhelmed with all the added responsibilities. Often these Holidays find our loved ones in the hospital, rehab or assisted living facilities making celebration and family time harder than ever.

I’ve created this list to remind us to keep our priorities straight. Self-care, balance and realistic expectations can help us maintain an even keel and allow us to enjoy even the most challenging of Holidays. Please take this list to heart and check these items off so you are healthy and happy this holiday season.

1. Take your emotional temperature.

By taking our emotional temperature every day and even all day, we can avoid having our feelings sneak up on us making us wonder why we suddenly feel exhausted, angry or hopeless. Taking 5 minutes to breathe and check in to see how we are doing and what we are feeling can save us in so many ways. We can ask ourselves if we are feeling mad, guilty, frustrated, or sad and why we might be feeling this way. Stepping back and examining our mood, reactions and feelings brings them out in the open and gives us a chance to process them in a healthy way. We can really gain insight about our behavior and what triggers us. Even if we don’t know why we are emotional, we can give ourselves permission to experience what we are feeling if we are aware of it.

2. HALT!

My all-time favorite item on any list. This is a practical way to take your emotional temperature. Stop and ask yourself the following question: Am I Hungry (H) Angry (A) Lonely (L) or Tired (T)? If we are experiencing any of the above we need to HALT immediately and address it immediately. If we are hungry, we need to eat something healthy and nutritious. If we are angry, we need to acknowledge our anger and do something about it. We can take a walk, call a friend we can rant to, sit quietly and breathe deeply, or go do something that gives us joy and soothes the anger. If we are lonely, we must reach out to someone. Make that phone call! Connecting with someone who cares for us makes all the difference in the world. If we are tired, we can sit down or take a nap if possible. If we can’t stop completely, we can slow down and do the minimum while acknowledging we that are allowed to be tired and therefore take it easy.

3. Let it go, let it go, let it go.

This is sung to the classic hit “Let it snow let it snow, let it snow” and is very helpful when we find ourselves holding onto to something that was said or done that we can’t let go of. Nothing is that important. This can also be used when we are trying to control everything, and nothing is working. We need to go flow. Surprisingly, things fall into place and everything gets done when we let it all go.

4. Have a sloppy, imperfect time.

There’s no such thing as perfection. Trying to make it all perfect is a complete waste of time. It’s impossible and no fun at all. Relax. Even if it’s sloppy and goofy or a mistake is made, it’s all fine and much more enjoyable without all the pressure.

5. Right here right now.

Finally, stay here in the now. This moment will never happen again. The time we are spending with those we love and care for is precious. Don’t waste it by going over the past or worrying about the future. There is joy right now, don’t miss it.

My gift to you this season is not only this list which I hope makes a difference, but to remind you to love and care for yourself because you are an angel walking on earth and deserve to be treated as one. When you realize that, serenity and peace are yours.

I wish you and your family the happiest and healthiest of Holidays. Much love!



  1. Caregiver

    Being healthy is important for caregivers. When caregivers are unhealthy, they might not be able to fulfill their duties well. The lack of self-care is a problem that caregivers must recognize and solve. To begin, caregivers should start to take notice of the food that they eat. Eating nutritious food and having a balanced diet help improve the overall health of people in general. Since caregivers, particularly, are up to laborious tasks, it is important that they keep their meals in check.

    • Susanne

      I completely agree! You have to eat like a champion! Healthy eating is one of the most important foundations for caregiving.

      • Anonymous

        Excellent tips, Susanne! We need a list like this to remind us that we are doing ok. Merry Christmas to you and thank you so much for your wonderful, helpful web site!

        Rainell M

        • Susanne

          We do need a list of self care reminders! And thank you so much for your kind words. Your feedback makes it all worth while! Happy Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!


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