I had the best morning ever today. People were bending over backward to help me. Luckily I was in exactly the right place at the right time to not only receive all this wonderful attention but I was also able to appreciate it immensely. I got to thinking about how great it felt to see so many people being generous and kind. And how my day was getting better and better by the moment because everyone was being so nice.

Obviously, something was either in the water or the air today but it made me realize that I felt appreciated and right with the world because of the way I was being treated. I want everyone to feel that way. I went out of my way to pay it forward during my day. And I felt better! Being kind and generous has actually been proved to release the same endorphins that exercising does. It’s a win-win!

Everyone loves being treated with generosity and kindness. I remember realizing this when my loved ones were hospitalized. We were blessed with wonderful staff and made sure they knew how much we appreciated them. Even the personalities that didn’t gel with mine or who were overworked or exhausted perked up with some added attention or small kindness we bestowed on them.

I distinctly remember being in one hospital room with a roommate who’s family was nasty and negative not only to each other but to the nurses, aides, and doctors. Being professionals, the staff pretended not to notice and carried on as usual but their general response was nowhere near as warm, fun and generous as it was to us. We could almost feel the atmosphere change as soon as they came over to our side of the room. You could cut the difference with a knife. The care never changed but the joy at the moment did. Kindness and generosity are contagious and create a mood of relaxation and serenity. Which allows faster healing and greater comfort.

When dealing with meanies or nasties it’s sometimes hard to be kind. Especially when we don’t have much left in our own emotional bank account. But making that special effort is worth it. I always try to remember that the person in my face being nasty is probably tired or frustrated, worried or recovering from being treated badly themselves. They deserve to be treated nicely more than anybody. When I make the extra effort either but smiling a little more or by asking how they were doing and then really listening, I end up with great results. Perhaps not right in the moment, but I’ve been surprised on more than one occasion when someone I had extended myself to when they were less than lovely, ended up doing something really special for me or backing me up unexpectedly when I needed it most.

The investment of trying to be kind almost always pays off. And when it doesn’t, it really doesn’t matter. I get the endorphin rush and a good feeling that I did something right. I recently saw an Instagram post that said each and every person has at least one story to tell that would make us cry. When you think about that, all of us deserve a little bit of tenderness and compassion. When you sprinkle some niceness on top of that everybody gets to feel good.

So keep in mind how wonderful it feels when things are going great and someone is kind and generous to you. Then make sure that you are the person to pass that kindness on. The results will be amazing and you may have a day like I experienced today when everything is right with the world and as challenging as my life is, it looks so much better wrapped up in grace and generosity.




  1. Lemi V posturemomsie@gmail.com

    I totally agree with you. I work in health care and also a caregiver to my mom and has always been a firm believer in treating people with kindness- it bounces right back at you.

    • Susanne

      I love that! It bounces right back! It does and makes everything so much sweeter and easier. You are a Caregiver Warrior!

  2. Adele Stalcup

    Hey Sue you are talking about the very thing I have been giving a lot of thought to right now – kindness and empathy. It’s amazing how many people I have had to deal with who seem to lack any capacity for either. And what does it cost any of us to show some kindness or to relate to another human being? Really! Why not? As you have so rightly pointed out, doing so is good for the soul – your own soul. It makes you feel good in addition to comforting the other person. I wish more people realized it. The world would certainly be a better place if it were so.

    • Susanne

      Yes wouldn’t be great if more people realized it? We have to spread the word!

  3. Susanne

    Thank you! Kindness is magical!



  1. Receiving kindness and giving it are life changing – Advocate for Mom & Dad - […] In her article, The Magic and Power of Kindness, Susanne reminds us how life changing being kind is and…

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